Become aware of your breath. Notice the length of your inhale vs the length of your exhale. Notice if you can extend the exhale longer than the inhale. Connect your thumb to pointer, breathe into taste, exhale release. Connect thumb to middle finger; breathe into smell, exhale release. Thumb to ring finger breathe into sight open eyes, exhale close eyes, release. Thumb to pinky finger: breathe into sound; exhale release.
We recommend a range of dosage; usually between 1 and 3 capsules, or a half teaspoon to a teaspoon, etc. Use your intuition. Are you usually sensitive to caffeine etc? Or does it usually take more for you to feel the effects?
You know how you would like to feel. You know how you would like to heal. You know what you need to get done. These formulas are designed to work with your intentions; your willingness to change your beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors. Stir in the powder and syrup with your intention into a paste. Continuing to stir as you add hot water and milk. Can be pour over ice if so desired.
As you drink, visualize yourself completing your goals guided by your intention and your higher self
Most effects will be observed in 3 days, some in 7, some in 1. If you are experiencing an exaggerated effect, e.g., jittery rather than stimulated or sleepy rather than calm, take a day off and start with a lower dose the following day. What works for one may not work for others. Your needs can change based on environmental influences. The blend you need now is not always going to be the blend you need at a different time in your life. Also, we recommend that you utilize the blend you need at the time in which you need it and not otherwise.We strongly recommend that they not be combined with drugs.
Send a message with any questions.